Author: icim-wp (Antonio Dupont)


Meet the Practice Management Cowgirl who’s bringing 24 CMEs to ICIM’s Member Retreat June 23-25

Natalie Ricchiuti will be spending time with y’all in Montana at the ICIM Member’s Retreat. REGISTER HERE. Many of you are already familiar with her as a friendly member of our group. She has taught other workshops with ICIM including an entire weekend training event on Staffing Challenges and Team Building but most of you know her...


One ICIM Speakers gives us 24 tips for what she likes to talk about

To find the full list, go to To get the party started, ask Elisa Peavey … (she’ll have a lot to say) Fibromyalgia Do’s and Dont’s Great tips on best managing your diabetes! Fascia Blaster! Learn all about the amazing TOOL that can help with both your chronic pain AND that that rotten cellulite!...


Cancer and Keto

Link: The ketogenic diet has hit social media like water balloon this summer; people say it has a great effect on their health. What does the science say? Could keto be the dietary key to cancer care? At “An Orthomolecular Approach to Cancer” meeting October 17-21 in Minneapolis, the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM)...


Anderson and Osborne give an overview of IV Therapy for cancer Oct 18

Register for ICIM Minneapolis Oct 17-21, 2018 – As a physician, how do you approach cancer? What advice can you offer to complement conventional treatments? What can you offer the patient who rejects conventional treatment? The International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM) invites experienced physicians to explore new options for healing through orthomolecular medicine, the...


ICIM gets real with Oscar Sierra LAC

The International College of Integrative Medicine is preparing for our 65rd Congress Oct 19-21, and we’re bringing in ICIM member Oscar Sierra to introduce a complex yet practical theory in a lead-in workshop Oct 18. Recently, he and Executive Director Wendy Chappell had a little chat… “Eclectic Triphasic Medical System: a Wholistic Approach to Cancer...

Laboratory Analysis

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