Solutions for Long COVID are coming up at ICIM “Infectious Determinants of Chronic Disease”

Sept 22-25, Grand Rapids, MI

We may disagree on what it is, how we got it, how we spread it and why. We may not even like each other any more. But can all agree that this problem needs to be addressed.

Long COVID—or post-COVID conditions—is a wide range of new, returning or ongoing health problems people may experience more than four weeks after being first infected with SARS-CoV-2. Even people who did not have any symptoms can experience long COVID. It is estimated that anywhere from 10% to 30% of patients might experience long COVID after recovering. Last year at an AMA Special Meeting, delegates adopted policy to support “the development of an ICD-10 code or family of codes to recognize Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (‘PASC’ or ‘long COVID’) and other novel post-viral syndromes as a distinct diagnosis.”

Long Haul COVID may be the most pressing worry of the hour, and we have found two very different speakers with an array of ideas. They are so different that we decided we needed them both! Leo Galland, MD has been researching mitochondria and Ace 2 receptors, and Elisa Peavey, DO will describe the multifactorial therapeutic approach she uses with her patients – frequency medicine, plant therapy, emotional and inner health, diet, supplements, medications, & self-care.

Dr. Galland is Harvard trained, a pioneer in studying the impact of intestinal microbes (the gut microbiome) and intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) on health and disease. He has received international recognition for developing innovative nutritional therapies to treat autoimmune, inflammatory, allergic, infectious and gastrointestinal disorders and has described his work in numerous scientific articles and textbook chapters.

He writes, “The unique insight I will discuss at ICIM is the pro-phage capabilities of SARS-CoV-2, which make gut bacteria a reservoir of persistent viral infection. This creates a novel approach to treatment that has been very helpful for many of my long covid patients and has totally changed the way I approach treating the dysbiosis associated with covid-19.”

Growing up with an OB Gyn father, and energy worker for a Mom Dr. Peavey acquired a very unique perspective when it came to health.  It was for this reason that she left traditional medicine in 2020 with a calling to lean more into the spiritual, the alternative, and the mystical after realizing our health system was failing so many. Long Haul COVID will require our entire toolbox. The single most unique solution Elisa Peavey, DO offers her patients is Frequency and vibrational healing. At ICIM she will offer a myriad of holistic treatment options to help augment body systems to more effectively balance and heal the body and inflammation.

Ready, set, heal. Come hear them speak at our conference. Register, book the hotel and see the schedule here.

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