ICIM - Translating Science to Clinical Practice Since 1984

Translating Science to Clinical Practice Since 1984

The International College of Integrative Medicine is a community of dedicated physicians who advance innovative therapies in integrative medicine by conducting educational conferences, supporting research, and cooperating with other scientific organizations, while always promoting the highest standards of practice.

While we are not a college of brick and mortar, we create a space where physicians and other health care providers can learn about the latest scientific evidence for integrative medicine from around the world. Our passion is to empower doctors to give the most effective care for their patients.

5th ICIM Members Retreat

June 21-26, 2023 Bozeman, MT

A wild west adventure with medical pearls and collegial wisdom.

Upcoming Conferences

Food Fight

October 5-8, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA

The world of diets seems to be ever changing: eat this, don’t eat this, eat more of that….it’s overwhelming. When your patients tell you the different diets that they are contemplating, it’s so important that you know that pros and cons of all of them. No diet is perfect for every person, and it is so important that we understand what would best suit each patient. Food Fight is just that: a great way for you to learn about different lifestyle diets that your patients are contemplating. Instead of feeling lost, or only knowing a portion of what there is to understand about these different lifestyle changes, Food Fight will help you to grasp the need for certain patients to make these changes, and which ones might be best for them. I hope that you join us in Pittsburgh for a great weekend to learn and explore many of the different diets that your patients are trying…and hopefully succeeding on! –Megan Strauchman, DO (Program Chair)


February 22-25, 2024
New Orleans, LA

More information coming soon.

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