Who We Are

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Who Are We?

The International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM) is a not-for-profit medical organization that seeks to teach the latest research in preventative, alternative, and innovative treatments.
Our members are physicians who are comfortable treating health concerns relating to circulation, the brain, the immune system, hormones, digestion, pain, and/or toxicity. We are health professionals who are interested in utilizing more than just drugs or surgical procedures in the holistic care of our patients.
Through our semiannual conferences and advanced-level trainings, we seek to fulfill our mission of providing physicians with a comprehensive understanding of integrative medical care.

What Makes ICIM Special?


In 1983, 7 forward-thinking physicians met in Cleveland, Ohio for what would later be known as the first meeting of the International College of Integrative Medicine. Since that time, we have expanded beyond this region to include members from all over the country… and all over the world! Even through this expansion, we remain a close community of dedicated scientists. With around 200 members, our conferences feel more like a welcoming family reunion than a convention.


The quality of education we provide maintains a balance of evidence-based theory and practical advice. This means that you will be equipped to apply the scientific information that you learn in your office on Monday morning. In addition to our semiannual meetings, we encourage year-round discussion and consultation. Many of our members have been experts in the field for many years and are ready to share their rich experiences.

Chelation Training

Our group provides affordable introduction and advanced training in heavy metal toxicology and chelation therapy. We commit to hosting comprehensive training and certification for IV Infusionist staff working in chelation therapy. No other organizations offer this service. Join our network of social media sites dedicated to chelation as well as our chelation resource website at www.chelation.me.
We invite you to browse through the ICIM Scrapbook blog
that helps tell the story of who we have been and who we are becoming.


The International College of Integrative Medicine is a community of dedicated healthcare professionals advancing emergent innovative therapies in integrative and preventive healthcare by conducting educational sessions, supporting research and publications and cooperating with other professional and scientific organizations, while always promoting the highest standards of practice.
We will create a community of colleagues, provide support for our members, and create a forum for honest and humble questioning and discussion.
We will respond to the needs of our colleagues and co-workers in any work situation and will foster a positive environment in which to provide services.
We will exhibit courtesy, respect and helpfulness to each other.
We will communicate freely about any concern we have.
We will demonstrate our commitment to service by listening and responding, to the best of our ability, to any concern.
We will dedicate ourselves to preserving trust.
We encourage healthy friendships, and we believe all have the right to work and learn in an environment that is free from any kind of illegal discrimination, including sexual harassment.
We warmly welcome people of all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, national origins, age, disabilities or sexual orientations.
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