Tag: <span>Hormones</span>


Harbinger of Hormones

*This meeting has been postponed until March 10-14, 2021 in Memphis, TN “Endocrine Ecosystem: Balanced Hormones and Reduced Toxicity” is the 68th conference of the International College of Integrative Medicine. Jonathan Wright, MD, ND (hon) wrote the first bio-identical estrogen prescription (a tri-estrogen) in 1982 in Vancouver, BC, and he has continually improved his approach....


The Vindication of Estrogen

*This meeting has been postponed until March 10-14, 2021 in Memphis, TN Generations of women have been denied hormone replacement due to the false statistical conclusions of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). Yet, in December of 2019, a 19-year re-analysis of the WIH hormone trials was presented in San Antonio. Twelve prestigious cancer societies demonstrated...


“Endocrine Ecosystem” includes genomics

*This meeting has been postponed until March 10-14, 2021 in Memphis, TN A comprehensive understanding of health requires a thorough grasp of the endocrine system including the hormones that it uses to communicate. According to speaker Roberta Van Zant, DO, hormonal balance is an intricately woven interplay between genomics, environment, and detoxification. In her lecture...


ICIM Fall conference brings in a multitude of thyroid experts

*This meeting has been postponed until March 10-14, 2021 in Memphis, TN Detroit, Sept 23-27, 2020: Each ICIM meeting has a different theme; this one is dedicated to teaching a thorough grasp of the endocrine system including the hormones that it uses to communicate. Treatment of thyroid imbalance is one of the most effective and...


Myths or Truths in Hormone Therapies

“Endocrine Ecosystem: Balanced Hormones and Reduced Toxicity” is the 29th conference of the International College of Integrative Medicine. A comprehensive understanding of health requires a thorough grasp on the endocrine system and the hormones that it uses to communicate. In her article “The Wild History of Women’s Hormone Therapy,” author Meryl Davids Landau describes the...