Tag: <span>BHRT</span>


Harbinger of Hormones

*This meeting has been postponed until March 10-14, 2021 in Memphis, TN “Endocrine Ecosystem: Balanced Hormones and Reduced Toxicity” is the 68th conference of the International College of Integrative Medicine. Jonathan Wright, MD, ND (hon) wrote the first bio-identical estrogen prescription (a tri-estrogen) in 1982 in Vancouver, BC, and he has continually improved his approach....


The Vindication of Estrogen

*This meeting has been postponed until March 10-14, 2021 in Memphis, TN Generations of women have been denied hormone replacement due to the false statistical conclusions of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). Yet, in December of 2019, a 19-year re-analysis of the WIH hormone trials was presented in San Antonio. Twelve prestigious cancer societies demonstrated...


Myths or Truths in Hormone Therapies

“Endocrine Ecosystem: Balanced Hormones and Reduced Toxicity” is the 29th conference of the International College of Integrative Medicine. A comprehensive understanding of health requires a thorough grasp on the endocrine system and the hormones that it uses to communicate. In her article “The Wild History of Women’s Hormone Therapy,” author Meryl Davids Landau describes the...