Healthy Parents, Healthy Children:  Healing the Next Generation

Healthy Parents, Healthy Children: Healing the Next Generation

Toronto October 23-27, 2019 a TO Reg form

Integrative medicine is the art of healing, wherein complementary practices such as naturopathic, homeopathic, orthomolecular and functional medicine are integrated within allopathic care, to optimize patient outcomes.

For many of us, children are our most important legacy.

ICIM Conference Focus
This conference will focus on holistic integrative approaches to prenatal optimization, infertility and childhood disorders. The Conference has been developed to pinpoint specific interventions that will provide you with effective tools to help your patients enjoy a lifetime of well-being and freedom from chronic disease. Lectures will include predictive autoimmunity, acute infections, breast feeding, the lifetime effects of dental disease, allergies, autism, microcurrent neurofeedback, neural therapy, spore-based probiotics, glyphosate, toxicity, EMF, and homeopathic remedies.

Health and Disease Prevention
Most integrative medicine practitioners tend to see people in the middle or closer to the end of their lives. It is well known that it takes years or decades for conditions like dementia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer to manifest symptoms. An increasing amount of evidence indicates that susceptibility to these diseases begins before patients are born. In neglecting to optimize pre-conception, prenatal and early childhood health we are neglecting the most important part of the circle of life.

Increasing Rates of Infertility & Chronic Disease
One goal of this Conference is to help develop an understanding of why we are experiencing a decrease in fertility and reproductive health. The number of registered Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) clinics has increased 700% over the last past twenty years. The number of babies being born using ART increased 400% between 1996 and 2016. A 2018 Pew survey showed that almost 15% of all women of childbearing age reported seeking medical advice about infertility, with two-thirds of those needing some type of fertility treatment.

This conference will consider the relationship between the rise of chronic disease and infertility, and focus on addressing the potential underlying causes: Poor nutrition, toxins and endocrine disruptors, chronic stress, EMF pollution, and others. The solution lies first in identifying and understanding biological and environmental issues.

To register or learn more about the ICIM conference visit

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